Selasa, 03 Juni 2008

Thinking Pink Is In!

A friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. While she is and has always been a strong person, this news came as a blow to her family and friends. She is currently going through a “Why Me” stage. Well, I don’t know if there is an answer to that burning question. Scientists are studying breast cancer to find out more about its causes, constantly looking for better ways to prevent, find, and treat it. But it continues to plague women across the world. Each year, more than 211,000 American women learn they have this disease.

Traumatic as the illness is, the fact remains that it is curable if detected early. And the only way to ensure that is regular self examination. Meanwhile, if there is a dear one who has been diagnosed, the best we can do is to stand by them, and show our support.

6th June is a big day for my friend. She has her surgery on this day. Please keep her in your thoughts. Meanwhile, there are ways to show your support to the cause. There are several products available on different sites on the internet where you can buy products whose proceeds to breast cancer aid. The fashion fraternity too has done its bit for this pertinent cause. My humble request to all friends and readers is to spread awareness and to support the cause of the women who have to go through this pain. Think Pink, ladies. Let’s fight breast cancer in whatever small way we can. For there is no way of telling where it will hit next.

Image courtesy: Google Images

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