Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Good Eats Wednesday

Foodie News
& Dream Jobs

Ego Anton, the Food Critic from Disney's Ratatouille.

I am extremely excited to announce that I will be the new Fort Lauderdale Ethnic Foods Restaurant Reviewer for Examiner.com. I have been wanting to write about food and review restaurants ever since I obtained my degree in magazine journalism. I can now dig out my dusty book Will Write for Food by Dianne Jacob, which I bought upon graduation.

Will Write for Food: The Complete Guide to Writing Cookbooks, Restaurant Reviews, Articles, Memoir, Fiction and More

I 've always been known as a dreamer, but with patience and preserverance, things sometimes do work out.

Here is another example... in kindergarten when told to draw what I wanted to be when I grew up... I drew a Disneyland worker. Sure enough when I was in college, I applied to work for the summer at Disney World in their college program, and even though I humbly served Pineapple Dole Whip, or eggrolls in Adventureland (depending on the day), I fulfilled my dream. It wasn't until my mom pulled out that old drawing that I remembered what I once wanted. While my experience at Disney was nowhere near what a child would dream, with the minimal pay and laborous schedule, it's the fact that I had achieved one of my dreams, learned a tremendous lesson about finances, and it led to me to where I am today... currently living in South Florida.

Modern Replica.
Don't Laugh.
I'm not sure if that's Mickey Mouse, or the Easter Bunny.
I think I did a better job drawing when I was 5.

So brace yourselves,
I will be sharing my future reviews with you.
Thanks to Mel @ Reverie-Daydream,
I found out about Examiner.com because of you.

If you would like to become an examiner on in your local area and share your expertise or passion...
APPLY HERE. Referred by Nicolette Fisher.

Bon appetit! 

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