Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Take Me To Another Place


I went to visit my family in Tennessee a few weeks ago.
I promised to share photos,
but have failed to locate my little digital since unpacking.
So here are some from the iPhone... 

My Dad's gorgeously manicured lawn,
where our summer evenings are spent sipping sweet tea
on a rockin' chair on the front porch enjoying peaceful sunsets.

His pond which used to be stocked with catfish,
except the extreme heat a few years back killed them all :(

I woke up early in the morning to take photos of his lush property
and bountiful country garden.
Here is the sunflowers still waking up to embrace the morning sun!
Rise and shine!

To put things's into perspective, I'm 5'2",
so these babies have to be over 10" tall!

My little sis and I trying to save the tomato worms
from my Dad and his summer crop. These guys have some serious suction cups,
they feel like little massagers when crawling on your hand.

This cabbage was from my Uncle's garden.
I think a Cabbage Patch Doll should peep it's head out any moment.

My Uncle's country garden kitten.
I think he's trying out for the role of 'scare crow'.

My Uncle's prize winning cucumber.

My Uncle owns the property next to my grandparent's old place.
You can only see the red shop in this photo, but they also had a matching red barn,
smokehouse, and animal pen. It really was such a great place to visit as a kid!
Across the street is an old old cemetary we used to visit at dusk.
One year I even filmed our remake of "The Christmas Carol"
in the graveyard with my little sis and cousin. Such fun!

Sorry the photo is dark. The sky was so beautiful that night after a traditional
Southern summer evening storm.

We had a tremendous Southern buffet that night with almost everything fried!
I think it made it's way to my shirt too...

Gorgeous sky...

Lastly, the pond I used to swim in as a child and teen.
There was a rope swing off the old oak tree.
I loved squishing my toes in that muddy water.
We had tons of cookouts out here,
and many late night dares to ride our golf cart through the corn field at night
to the pond where it was rumored Mr. Bentley (pond creature) resided.
To add to this dare, we were constantly teased that we were, "children of the corn".
One night we took the dare and my uncle jumped out
at us from the corn with a flashlight in his face and a blanket like a cape.
We all screamed bloody murder. Those were the good ole' days!
To be teased and tormented as a child...

What are some of you good childhood memories?

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