Senin, 15 November 2010

Not Just Another Monday

A Quote from Morning Glory, now out in theatres:
Rachael McAdam's mom in the movie told her...

"You had a dream. You followed it.
It was cute when you were 8.
At 18, it was inspiring.
At 28, it's pathetic."

I'm 28.

Well, thank God for Hollywood,
her dream came true.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep much last night.
I'd like to blame it on the anxiety of my first filling today in 17 years,
but that was hardly the case.
The movie hit me hard... the kind where you don't really want to talk to anyone for a good hour or so after, because it effects you. Happens to me a lot, which is why I actually enjoy watching these chick flicks solo sometimes.

So when Belle Inspiration, The Holiday Edition came out today on the 'online rack'...
it really did just that, inspire.

If you haven't been following my blog that long,
you may be wondering what that all has to do with each other.
Well I am magazine journalism graduate,
one who hasn't really worked in the field,
and it's a big deal to me, because my article and photos
appear in professional print for one of the more 'meaningful' times.
Also, my name is in the masthead for the very first time.

I'm a little more vulnerable writing an honest post,
these days with my readership up,
not only by international blogging friendships,
but by people who knew me in another life,
and may just be curious too see what I'm up to via Facebook...
plus being a new business owner,
it's best to keep things that feel a little raw covered up.
Yet this is my space, so I'll write anyway.

For one,
my name is Nicolette...and I go by Nikki.
Something I've never divulged on this blog for the past 18 months.
I chose Colette because I wasn't comfortable being on the internet.
Afterall, I didn't join Facebook until this year.
I personally find social networking very time consuming and invasive,
but vital in survival with international business these days.
I've never been called Colette by anyone I've known directly.
I considered changing the title of my blog a few months ago,
because it seemed... well, a little self absorbed.
But to be honest, it's not my name... just a title.
And no, I don't mind if you call me Colette... many of my blog pals do. :)

However, becoming Colette has allowed me to break out of this timid shell,
A person that has followed through with committment,
one that hasn't started yet another project and left it in the corner,
one that has not been scared of failure, therefore taking risks,
realizing Colette and the blogging world has done a world of good
for my confidence in success.

So, if you'd like to read my article on the Vizcaya Mansion in Miami,
or other great holiday stories written by other woman around the world,
visit Belle Inspiration and subscribe today.

P.S. It's never to late to give up on your dreams.
(I don't care how cliche it sounds.)
There was a man in his late 70's that walked around my college campus with his little Jansport backpack on going from class to class. It always made me smile, and gave me hope.

Follow Simply Colette

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