Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Halloween Cake Pops

Holiday Baking

Remember how I mentioned the late night baking? My friend and I made Halloween Cake Pops!
We followed the directions from Family Circle. But the flavors were Devil's food cake with mint chocolate, cinnamon swirl cake with caramel frosting and white chocolate, and lastly pumpkin cake!
Rich, but loads of fun!

We had a 4.7 earthquake here last night. 
Now I'm off for a road trip to Oregon!

Happy Halloween!


Happy Birthday Dad & Evan!

Follow Simply Colette

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Best Week of the Year

Well it's a toss up between that and the Royal Wedding! I can't exactly explain why... just one of those feelings you get... even though I was laid off and will be 'celebrating' my last day of work tomorrow. But I'm really optimistic and feel that it is giving me that push I fully need. Don't despair, I already have lots of promising leads and truly feel that the world is my oyster at this moment in time. 

Besides, if you know me, you should know I have a few projects up my sleeve that I'm excited to share soon! Can't give it all away today though... Most importantly I'm excited for the 'time I'm being gifted' to develop them! ;)

Little Moments of Happiness

Late-Nite Halloween Goodie Baking * Happy Hour (haven't done that in awhile!) * A Friendship When You Can Just Look At Each Other & Know Exactly What The Other Is Thinking * Impromptu Family Gatherings & Sleepovers * My First All-You-Can-Eat Sushi Experience * Cruising in the 73' Galaxie Hot Rod * A Special Women's Sunday Luncheon & Shopping * Steak & Frites (Paris All Over Again!) * Dating While Residing With The Parents - 16 All Over Again In The Best Kind Of Way * Restaurant Supply Stores * Last Day of Work Party! * Topping It Off With Going To My Home Sweet Oregon Coast On Thursday For 4 Nights!

Favorite Ego Boosters This Month

"I talked to Nikki for a half-hour and she took away my headache." - My Uncle L.

"If I was 30 years younger and 30 pounds lighter, I'd be chasing you down." - R. "I'm a hard one to tie down." - N. "I didn't say tie you down, I said chase you down." -R.

"I want a house with a lot of natural light, since that makes me happy." - N. "I'll build you a window anywhere you want." - B

"Oh and Nikki..." - S. "Yes." - N   "You are reallllly hot." - S. A business call at work, nothing like making a girl blush.

"Another chapter closed." Me to Mom regarding my job loss. "This was more like a paragraph." Thanks Mom! :)

Lastly, a little secret. I sometimes use Fortune Cookies for inspiration. They are my reinforcers to follow my dreams.
Today I received on that said: 

Your Dearest Wish Will Come True. 
I happen to think so. 

6 weeks ago I got one that said:

Something Great Will Happen To You This Week. 
It did. Exactly 7 days later. 

Make This Your Best Week Too!

Follow Simply Colette


Chelsea De Luca's current collection titled Scene Stealer, epitomises her signatory style, and what she is most famous for, and that is;  evoking an era of old world glamour and style with a blend of modern elements .

With an international appreciation for her designs from celebrities; Gwyneth Paltrow, Delta Goodrem, Nicky & Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue and many more, Chelsea De Luca continues to deliver designs that epitomises and stirs a nostalgic feeling for a bygone era of glamorous femininity......... xo

 Images: www.chelseadeluca.com.au

Kim T.
{ Madam AE & Mondiale Media }

*share your news/designs/events/profile on Madam AE, email  mondiale@mondialemedia.com

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

What's for Brunch?

How about some Pumpkin waffles with bacon?

Have a great weekend my friends!

Follow Simply Colette

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Noisettes Project- Tassle Cape Outfit

Been absolutely awol on the blog front I'm afraid as gettign to grips with new technologies- soo
we'll have a new site with lots of new projects uploaded- but for now heres a look over some things weve been up to the last few months...

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Shingai Shoniwa at V Festival

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Interns Clare and Barbara enduring some intense hand-work

A first in five years!

Can you believe this! I have been blogging for five years, and this is my first ever outfit post. Oh well, there is always a first time for everything. So here goes.

This is what I wore to office today. My workplace, and my job profile as a writer does not require a formal dress code. I dress up for comfort, as Mumbai is an unpredictable city, and many a times, I have to walk home in the evenings. So footwear has to be comfortable on all days. I often carry a "shoe bag", or a flat pair of shoes to wear on my walk back home.

Bolero : A shop in Colaba, Mumbai
Tank : Zara
Bangles : From a streetside vendor in New Delhi
Jeans : Levi's
Shoes : From an export surplus store in Agra

Oh, and since we are doing Firsts, I am five followers away from 100. How about a 100 Followers Celebration Giveaway? What say, bloggers?

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Loving Something

I am currently.... very quickly, falling in love with Chelsea De Luca's new collection "Scene Stealer" xx

I'll post some images tomorrow xo

Kim T.
{Madam AE & Mondiale Media}

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Mountain Mod

Fashion in Soda Springs

This one is for the band! Jk... When I was in college, my girlfriends and I always teased that we looked like a girl band whenever we dressed up for an evening out. We had a Norwegian blonde, brunette (me), fierce redhead, and sassy Asian in our clan. So when I was arranging this post, some of the photos reminded me of band cover shoot. It's always fun to remember my good ole' college days too!

Dress - Forever 21
Soda Springs, CA


Follow Simply Colette

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Winter to Autumn

I can't believe I've been in Truckee for over 3 months now! We went from winter last week to autumn this week.

That's my car outside of work, and that's this morning's crisp beautiful sky on my morning 5 mile jog (responsible for my 13 lb loss) which I fully intend to blow tonight while visiting my family and eating my favorite chips and salsa made by my Auntie! So I'm off for a 3 hr drive...

Have a great weekend!  

Follow Simply Colette

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Links & Things

Some fun & interesting things I wanted to share...

Well said, sister... Gypsy Diaries & Moving On!

Have you heard? The CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge is back on!!
A chance to win 1 MILLION BUCKS, a Maserati, or a Vacation each week!
Something I've been very into for the past few years... and currently in the Top 1 % again for the 3rd consecutive challenge!

NaNoWriMo is coming up Nov 1st! Are you ready? I'm d-termined!

Happy Wednesday!

Follow Simply Colette

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Food of the Perigord

French Food

It's true my travels have been on my mind lately... and there is still so much I have not shared simply because time didn't allow it while in France. So allow me to indulge while I reflect and appreciate the fact that I lived one of my dreams of leisurely gracing old village markets... appreciating agribusiness at it's finest and oldest forms of entrepreneurialism; not to mention stumbling in small shops stocked with shelves of symmetrically labeled cans filled with duck parts in every which way, or enjoying a raw egg on top of my fettucine surprise, partially because I couldn't understand the menu and partially because... when in Rome France.

Bon appetit!

Follow Simply Colette

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Life. Music. Rockstar.

I woke up today and fell in love with life. I had a light but lovely breakfast, and then meditated for a while. There was no rain, and I had some good music. I know very well not every morning can be like this, but why let that come in the way of celebrating life today? The weekend is here and I am really looking forward to meeting my brother and his family. They will be spending the weekend at my place. There shall be some great food cooked and some awesome music listened to. Some board games are going to get played. Can't wait for the weekend to begin!

Meanwhile, if any of you like Indian music, do treat yourself to the music of the Bollywood Movie "Rockstar". Composed by A. R. Rehman, the music will soothe your soul and feed your dreams for days to come.

Girls Night In

Happy Friday!

I've had a lot on my mind lately like what my next step in life will be, the fact that my boxes are still sitting in my parents living room, and I had to shovel 3 inches of snow off my car before work in early October, I don't think I can deal with that all winter. I knew announcing the fact that I am dating and proceeding with my life would hurt some people, but I have to be true to myself and realize this is MY blog, and I can't write and not share about the positive things in my life for the protection of others. Life goes on. But one of the main reasons my healing process has been so much smoother, is the blessing of a new bestie at work. Which is why I'm excited for a Girl's Night In  tonight consisting of comfy pj's, deli, wine, and chick flicks!

So to celebrate empowerment, I wanted to share a poem/ forward all us women have read before,
but gets me everytime and is always a good reminder in life.



enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to....
something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...


a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...


a feeling of control over her destiny.....
how to fall in love without losing herself.


how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without
ruining the friendship....


when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...


that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...

what she would and wouldn't do for love or more......
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...


whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...


where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming Inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...


What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Have a great weekend!

Follow Simply Colette

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011


Jasmine Garnsworthy is recognised as one of Australia’s emerging and accomplished media presenters and hosts. Presenting for programs such as Fox Sport, Alivelive.tv and Sass TV, Jasmine Garnsworthy has interviewed leading Australian musicians, fashion designers, athletes and celebrities.

Recognised as a professional and talented fashion model, and considered a natural presence in front of the camera, Jasmine Garnsworthy has taken part in many fashion projects ( modelling ) working alongside some of Australia’s emerging and established fashion designers and brands.

Jasmine Garnsworthy was a National Miss World Australia Finalist and is also an Ambassador for Alzheimer’s Australia and is a passionate health and fitness advocate.

As an energetic presenter with a warm and charismatic camera presence along with a passion for travelling, meeting new people and a dash of adventure, Jasmine Garnsworthy is fast becoming one of Australia’s in – demand profiles for media presenting, event hosting and campaign involvement in the beauty, fashion, fitness and lifestyle industries.


Mondiale Media & Madam AE will be revealing some very exciting news soon...... regarding one of our favourite media personalities; Miss Jasmine Garnsworthy.  All will be revealed soon!!!

Kim T.
Madam AE & Mondiale Media

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

First Snow

You may not remember, since it was 3 days and all when I was welcoming October with a dress and flip flops. Well I got my first reality check this morning of what happens when you move to an elevation of over 7,500 feet.

My little Florida-born babe got to experience her first snow too!
I don't think she's too pleased, and my knuckles are already cracking...
but it sure is nice to come home to a cozy fireplace, 
a new electric blanket, and a fluffy kitty.

Follow Simply Colette