Selasa, 15 Mei 2007

Idealistic Home @ Czech Centre / Homegallery

idealistic home / 18-31 mai / Homegallery / str.romulus nr 14, ap 1
igloo meets blok / 18 mai / 15h00 / Czech centre

Take a step. Come inside. It is not a home. Nor is it a futuristic vision of a home. It’s just a search into the meaning of the word “home”.Imagine you sit on the bank of the lake; it’s just stopped raining; a ray of light has touches your cheek; you close your eyes… falling asleep on the waterside is something you never forget… But when did you last fell asleep like this in your own bed?

In the things we designed we have looked for the feeling of safety, harmony, love, intimacy, fantasia. Maybe this vision is a bit confusing, only a sketch, but this is what we wanted it to be, so you could look at a home with some sort of distance. It’s important not to look at the Idealistic Home as at an ensemble of useful things, thing you sit on, you sleep on, you cook on, or things that you fill up with other things. The Idealistic Home is a story. It can be your story!

Everything that matters in life in inside of you – your feelings, your aspirations, your dreams… the objects around us should be just a background, a means of fulfilling your dreams…how does your ideal background look like?

Concept: Jiri Macek & Jana Zielinski
Art-director: Maxim Velcovsky
Collaborators: Martin Hasek, Vladimir Nemecek, Bara Prasilova
Graphic Design: Martina Cerna

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