Senin, 25 Agustus 2008


Ice Cream For Free™
is a Berlin based design studio founded in 2005 by Oliver Wiegner. Having developed from a collective, ICFF™ has access to a multidisciplinary team of designers, the main focus being on print.

Judging A Gift By Its Bag...

A gift is made double-sepcial if the package it arrives in is beautiful. The thought of a beautifully wrapped, thoughtfully picked gift excites everyone. And I never undermine the importance of ensuring that the gift is packaged beautifully. In fact, I sometimes end up liking the gift-packaging as much as the gift itself! A couple of years ago, I bought a lovely book on making gifts extra-special by packaging them beautifully. I often use home-made packaging, but recently, at a trade exhibition, I could not resist picking up a few ready-made ones from their collection. I used one of these for packaging the birthday gift of my sister-in-law. She loved it! I am posting a couple of pictures of the bag. I will try and visit their store and get some more pictures for you all.

I am finally getting convinced that my Blogroll won't assemble itself miraculously, and that I will have to do it myself. Wish me luck!

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

Freefluidity | Creative Lunchbox of Mat Doidge

Angelou Guingon

Angelou Guingon: 'Through stylized use of perspective, color, form, pattern, repetition, light and shadow, icons from personal experiences and fragments of imagination emerge in a pseudo-realistic environment. I am interested in intuitively arranging pictorial/mental images of people, animals, transportation, and other everyday objects. These paintings are about formulating, scribbling and preserving stories where anything we can visualize is able to be included in an open-ended script that welcomes the unexpected.'

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

freedom for lazy people

Freedom for Lazy People! @ ICR NY

While gentrification in New York and the politics of cleansing tend to erase legendary traces of graffiti that inspired artists all over the world, street art flourishes in Eastern European cities. Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj, Arad are just some of the places where you can find works by Nuclear Fairy (Linda Barkasz), IRLO (Laurentiu Alexandrescu), and Omar (Marwan Anbaki). Their art, combining lowbrow esthetics, figurative graffiti and an unusual approach to text, gives life to grim walls and starts a dialogue with the medium, be it a phone booth, a billboard or a cardboard box. The artists, all in their early 20s, work both individually and collectively as Zacuska Senzual.

- Cristi Neagoe and ICR NY are Doing a Great Job (EN) from Undefined
- ICRNY - Freedom for Lazy People (RO) from Feeder
- Zvastica si sex la NY si peste tot in lume; balbaiala, incultura si prostie doar la antena3 (RO) from Durox
- Freedom for lazy people, oprobriul public (RO) from Carturesti
- Poneiul de 10cm şi lanţul prostiei Badea-Vacaroiu (RO) from Costi Rogozanu
- Cristi Neagoe trece prin momente penibile (RO) from Zoso's blog
- Monumentul Mitocanului Român la New York (RO) from Traian Ungureanu
- Stiu ce-au facut copiii la New York vara asta (RO) from Miron Ghiu
- Despre arta, New York, Romania si multa prostie (RO) from Dtailed
- Cristi Neagoe, drept la replică from
Zoso's blog
- Street Art la ICR (si o faza extrem de nashpa) (RO) from Gramo`s World
- Conferinta de presa organizata de ICR in cinstea poneiului fascist (RO) from Miron Ghiu

Rains Make Me Miss My Friends

Monsoons are in full flow. Well, sort of. And this is around that time of the year when I really start missing Lonavala, favorite monsoon picnic spot of Mumbaikars like me. Being the most easily accessible hill station from Mumbai, it’s a favorite weekend spot for me and hubby, throughout the year. More so during the monsoons when the natural splendor of the place is at its beguiling best. The thing I miss most about Lonavala is the Rainmaker’s. I miss just relaxing at the shack, not doing anything, not going anywhere. Just sitting, watching the rain fall.

And I love watching Dhanya and Mathew working at the shack, interacting with the guests. It’s amazing how she manages all the work in her tiny kitchen and still be around to greet the guests and share a casual conversation. She seems so much at ease with her work and life, it sort of makes me envious. Ever so slightly. No meaningless deadlines to chase, no stress-spills, no lots tempers. Just a husband and wife team, going about their life, bringing some color into other people’s life while at it.

Another thing that I find really interesting is Dhanya’s cool style. I have always found her to be effortless and casual. Needless to say, she dresses for comfort and stays away from brands. But she is a classic example of how the right attitude can make a simple jeans and tees attire the ultimate style statement. Her accessories show her love for colors and I have seen her carry even the most mundane outfit with a bohemian panache that somehow elevates the outfit, making it look “cool”. Maybe staying away from the pollution-laden, illness-inducing city has its benefits. But mostly, I think it’s just my pal Dhanya.

I decided to do a short style profile of her different looks. All casual, but different. Outfits or sassitude, you be the judge!

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

artbyshu | The Art Of Valentin Fischer

Valentin Fischer - Website / Blog (via monici)

Yoann Lemoine

Yoann Lemoine - mainly working as a film director in media such as video, 8 to 35mm film, 2D and 3D animation, Stop Motion, photography, illustration, painting, screen printing, sculpture, collage, knitting, holograms, and constantly looking for avenues of expression that combine those different mediums. Latest project: Yelle's video for 'Ce jeu'.

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Spreading some Pink Love...

I have already stated my stand on the role of fashion in creating awareness about pertinent issues. It helps reiterate my view that there is more to fashion and style than just vanity and social-acceptance. That the fashion industry does play a more significant role in our lives. A clear example of this are the various products that contribute to breast-cancer awareness.

Fashion Targets Breast Cancer is one such well-known initiative. So I dug up many more, courtesy a simple search on Google images. I request you all to continue to spread the word and wear your pink ribbons where the world can see them. And if you must shop till you drop, do consider some of the products featured below. They give your style a pink edge. And that's good to have.

Have ipod, will accessorize. Do consider this lovely cover from Incase. You ipod will love you for dressing it up in style.

Step out and face the sun with some pink love on your side. This lovely Target umbrella is just one of the awesome products from fashion targets breast cancer series of products. For more, check out their website.

Look at this bracelet from Marc. Need I say more?
Below are some more products from the fashion for breast cancer awareness and cure kitty...

So, keep loving pink, and the world will love you for it.

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

Nanami Cowdroy

Nanami Cowdroy was born in Sydney with close bonds to her mixed Japanese-European heritage. Growing up with such contrasting cultures and surroundings, has greatly influenced her style of art and creative expression.