Minggu, 17 Januari 2010


Every now and again... a true 'fashionista' is required to expand her knowledge regarding fashion, in a 'literature' manner. I'm referring to all the fashion lovers who just love wearing and admiring fashion... but really a true fashionista should every so often, rest her foot forms.. put aside the Jimmy Choos, the Bianco's, rest the Chanel or Vuitton arm candies, dress down in comfy... possibly Peter Alexander 'flop arounds', and clean slate the 'face palette'.. this is your opportunity to slather on that rejuvenating face mask... whip yourself up a tea, latte, or something of fancy alcoholic beverage( if that tickles your fancy), and read a good well written 'fashion bible'.

I'm not referring to the glossies... ( fash. magazines), I'm declaring those hard covered fashion bibles.. with more that 300 or so pages of in depth reading material.. all focusing on the beautiful subject of fashion, usually presented in a biography or document type style! xoxo.

Recently a dear friend of mine.. who obviously knows all my fancies and not to fancies... gave me a gift ( in actual fact.. for Christmas). This gift has given me a mirage of images, transporting me to the classical and classy era of the renowned Coco Chanel!

A book righteously composed by Karen Karbo, 'The Gospel According to Coco Chanel - Life lessons from the world's most elegant woman', truly captivates you to appreciate an era of fine fashion..created solely from the imagination, determination and creativity of a very much determined fashionable woman!!! xo.

As the critic reader... I was truly captivated by Karbo's ability to interpret the life of Coco Chanel in an explicitly humorous and very stylish... style.

I can critically declare.. even if the book wasn't a good read (it is a very good read), I just love looking at the book and it's stylish presentation...xoxox. ( sounding so faux pas at the moment).

Lovelies.. putting down the gospel for now and making myself a cup of rhubarb tea.

Style rating: The Gospel According To Coco Chanel - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)

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