Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Meditation on the Beach

~Sunday Morning~

Living less than a mile from the beach, I actually don't
make it here as often as I should, but it makes it a special
treat to come down to the beach early in the morning,
beating the tourists, finding available parking,
and having the beach all to one's self.

Freshly combed sand, with MY footsteps to be the first to mess it up.

Feeling the soft grains of sand in my toes...

And welcoming the sunshine,

one must watch out for the little jellies though.

Yes, there is something magical about turning your back to a crowded city,
 walking to the edge of land, embracing the wind, sea, and sky
and knowing that they are all yours, if even just for a little bit.

What a way to start a new week... 

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