Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Nanowrimo 2011

Calling All Writers!

For those of you who don't know what Nanowrimo is... it stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is your chance to set a goal and write a novel, but here's the catch... all within ONE month! 175 pgs (50,000 words)... that's right, just one month. It doesn't cost a thing, although they do take donations... it's just a chance to set a goal, especially if you've always wanted to write a book.

Last year, I participated, and though I didn't quite complete the 50,000, I did get halfway. So I'm thinking, that if I catch the Nanowrimo fever, I may complete this task of finishing my first fiction novel!

What is my book about, you ask? I've never really shared before, BUT it's about an American girl who has opened her own patisserie/ bakery in the idyllic town of Zermatt, Switzerland. That's all I can say for now!

FYI... two fabulous bloggers that actually completed their first novel, because of this announcement last year on Simply Colette are Teri @ Girl Meets Paris and Kori @ Blonde Episodes. Isn't that fantastic?!

So ladies... and gents (if you're out there), if you've ever had the idea you'd like to write your own book, NOW is the time! My advice, type like hell... don't stop, don't edit. Just create, and see where you end up!

Sign up HERE!
P.s. If you finish... I wanna hear about, and feature you!
P.s.s. There is a Write-a-thon held for participants on Nov. 21st,
overlooking the city lights of San Francisco!

Keyboards up!
Beginning this Monday, Nov 1st!

Follow Simply Colette

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