Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

One Day at a Time

The Versatile Blogger Award
by Mary at Serenity & Style

I haven't done a blog award post in a long time, but one of my newer followers Mary from Serenity & Style has given me an award on a day that was very special to her: 500 Days of Sobriety. It touched me so much that it must be addressed.

What Mary & my other readers don't know is I've wanted to post a Dear Santa letter with this at the very top of my list last week but I try to leave all personal affairs out and away from this blog. It is usually a place of color and cheer especially in a world of dreary news, that's the route I've choosen to go. But I've been asked by many people the past couple weeks what I want for Christmas, and I couldn't think of one thing... (besides Julia Child's book My Life in France), that I couldn't buy myself, or that wasn't too expensive. The way the economy has been the past few years has taught me to curb materialistic wants, and how trendy it is to get by with the basics. But I stayed up late one night last week wanting so bad for the top of my Dear Santa list to be: a cure for addiction and debating whether or not to say so on the blog.

No, I'm not addicted to anything... except caffeine. But a few people very close to me are, and I've lost an aunt in her early 40s to an addiction. The holidays seem to bring these weaknesses out, and it's unfortunate. It does not make life easy to say the least. With that being said, I want to thank Mary not only for her award, but for her inspiration to others. Thank you Mary for inspiring me to have the courage to speak up for an important issue. 500 days is something to celebrate.

On another note, I've been given the opportunity to decide upon a charity of my choice to receive a very sizeable donation for the holidays... so if anyone knows of any good charities, I would appreciate suggestions, especially relating to this topic.

Follow Simply Colette

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