Jumat, 26 September 2008

Item Idem- Miscellaneous designer

So curious is this person -that I had to scrawl through all of his press cuttings to find out what he actually does, dispite my fascination resting on his the undefinable representation of an idea or object which has been branded almost as its purpose.
In an interview for Stimuli magazine- he described his strategy as 'Viral Communication', creating project which shake the boundries between media, art and fashion. Inspired by Andy Warhols approach to the Art of Business and commercial design- it appears he sees himself as a collaborative tool, a collider perhaps... and just the idea that someone devotes themself to evolutionary creative processes.
The element of guarding that is necessary for the conservation of a Fashion brand (person/label) often means that collaboration can often be strategic and token, but although there is an art to this- I really beleive the future is in a kind of accessability. Not to pander or to provide but to react and evolve and participate with creatives of other mediums, but also the prolotariate of the Apple-TV generation.
I think it is inevitable and essential that the Fashion industry moves toward taking inspiration from the fast-paced supply and demand for CONTRIBUTION & REACTION. Item Idem IS the future!

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