Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Bikie Gang.

Hail to the revival of the naughty bikie gang!. I'm smacking my lips about, the oh so trendy, and cute mid length bikie zipper jackets. I absolutely adore the black and tan versions. Although white is an option, unless you lean on nothing, and touch nothing, then go for it.

The sexy look is teaming the office pencil dress with the naughty bikie jacket and bring on the bling!, arms, fingers, neck, I'm saying pile it on to give yourself that naughty but nice ensemble.

As for footing. Any pump or peep toe heel will be suffice! but don't scream, 'look at my feet'. The attention must remain with the little naughty jacket.

Steer clear from teaming up the bikie jacket with tights, if you have east and west happening down there.

Style rating: mid length bikie jacket - " Standing Ovation"

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen

Terry Timely | Synesthesia

The duo of Ian Kibbey and Corey Creasey, together known as Terry Timely created an amazing short film that explores the theme of synesthesia. Check the video on their site or on vimeo.

syn·es·the·sia syn·aes·the·sia (sĭn'ĭs-thē'zhə): n. A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color. A sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referred pain. The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.


(Graduate Farbahi's creating from Somerset College)
I keep trying to think what this dress reminds me of- and I think its some kind of toy car track...
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Minggu, 28 Juni 2009


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I just came across this collection by recent Antwerp-college-of-fashion-design-greatness graduate Irina Shaposhnikova on the Today and Tomorow blog. I love the fact that her take on the sculptural futuristic shapes are transparent so you get a silhouette within a silhouette.
About a year ago there was a show called' triangles' or some such thing celebrating all the work of graphic designers who have used a notable amount of triangles in graphic design and illustration... (including moross). So perhaps when people hark back to the right now (from the distant future when were all reminiscing about Tunnocks Teacakes) for inspiration- we will get ... triangles. I have banged on before about Geodesic structures and how they are the source of all current creative evolution (possibly) but essentially they relate back to the triangle, so where next... Inversion of space as apposed to the creation of structure to encapsulate it?
BLAH BLAH BLAH best keep steer of visual black holes when researching for a summer collection aye.

Jim Gaylord

Senin, 22 Juni 2009


Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention. A fashion crime has been committed, and unless we unify to rectify the problem, then we will all look like a sea of oompaloompas....!

I'm addressing the 'tanning culprits'. Please, please, please!, since when did it ever become acceptable to 'over tan?'.

As I enter the sunny side of our world, I am greeted with a flooding combination of all shades of 'tans'. From crispy bacon shades, to melon balls, and orange peels, and don't forget the broken up forms of shades.....

' Tan in moderation'... meaning, don't over do it......... tanning is not like accesories, where you can overload and unload. If anything, peel back the layer darlings... and allow your own 'naturaaaaaal' colour to expose.

The ugliest sight before my eyes, a lass clad in a red uniform type garment ( pencil ensemble), and peeps of 'over embellished tanning'!!!, she looked like a walking hot dog.

If you must tan, then at least ask a fashionista for an opinion, or to at least tell you when to stop and look at yourself.

Style rating - "walking out"

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. queen

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Hannah Davis

Matías Troncoso

ill studio

The ill-studio is a French group of collaborators devoted to fine arts. Their goal is to bring ten individuals together, working in various artistic areas such as graphic design, photography, typography, illustration, video, motion design, etc. The studio provides an environment wherein its member’s complementary influences meet, and contribute to the stimulation and development of the whole, whether the works produced are created collectively, or individually. The ill-studio is Léonard Vernhet, Thomas Subreville, Nicolas Malinowsky, Thierry Audurand, Sébastien Michelini, Pierre Dixsaut, Harold Urcun, Artus de Lavilléon, David Luraschi and Fred Mortagne.

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Definately Fassbinder

Thought carefull not to fall into the nautical swamp of summertime inspirations, I have been researching for SS010, and definately feeling the love once more for this Fassbinder classic;

Hot Sailor (mice)

My wonderful assistant Natalie Wilson is journeying back to the country lands of Norfolk forever (in terms of near future) and I am mourning her while eating a Twister ice lolly. Genius that she is, she has started creating high-fashion mice for Folksy- awwwImage and video hosting by TinyPic


Despite the fact the previous collection was named 'Asbo's at Ascot', Tour De force have won over the happy gambling crowd at this years event, as I was awarded the winner of the 'Who Wants to be a Milli-ner' hat design competition(ahhhh crazy!)
We were warned in advance that there would be muchos photos taken, so I was happy that the headpiece chosen was one that covered my whole face and pretty terrified expression! It was all pink champagne and glamour, queen-watching and then running to meet Lisa Snowdon in the rain for an upbeat interview- she was really tall...
I really loved the work of Philippine Jon Harvey Santos who was the runner up, he was telling me he used to be a ballerina before he became a costume designer, stylist and now hat maker, thus charged with talent and still graceful (as apposed to hunched an neurotic, she thinks).
Last time I won a competition, it was for designing a poster inspired my Mr. Blobby for fun day way-back-when (true story).
So I am going to hold the crystal trophy up to the sun and refract the energy into an orbing cage for absorption of creative life energy... its going to be so science fiction for this evolutionary millenia. Seriously though- thanks to the judges and all the other lovely contestants who were so friendly and supportive!

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( I might be taking a moment to be even more shocked?)

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(Holly wales IS high society... )

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Minggu, 14 Juni 2009


Hands up to all those who have learnt the complicated language of the fashion tongue. I applaud you if you have already educated your literacy in fashion. Not everyone is blessed with the knowledge and talent of grasping the fashion language that oh so often gets tossed around fashion arena's, back stage and front.

Definately not out of the ordinary to see the fashion language be spoken in the form of so called 'body language'. Seated in my front row usual, my eyes would be be speaking the fashion tongue in top speed!.

Not long ago whilst attending a so called fashion extravaganza , which I'm sure the hosts thought to be 'la chic' , but to me was 'la bor - bor - boring'. My eyes were cast in every this that way direction in critical discretion...........need I say more that moi, Madam Alexandra E. was not impressed, not even when Model X, entered the arena, clad in the most wantable and loveable gladiator style wrap me up and love me heels.

Cross legged, and arms imitating the same, my body spoke a thousand thoughts of fashion tongue.

So fashion lovers, sometimes, you don't need to utter a single pip squeek of a sound to voice your fashion opinion, actions speaks louder than words, and yet can't be held against you, because it's all an illusion based on assumption........

style rating - 'fashion tongue':'standing ovation'

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen

Senin, 08 Juni 2009


My fashionista eyes saw a plethora of fashion no no's. Whilst out in my style heels, chinking the champers with fellow fashionites, I was working overtime, analysing, and absorbing the sea of mini cocktail garments teamed with opaque black tights and heels of all sights.

Agreeable that the tight and heel thing is completely accepted and in during this era, in this moment of fashion time. But overload and overbearing was the exact words on my mind on this frightful tights night!

Be fashion independent is what I am declaring and bestowing my fashion wisdom on all the fashion lovers. Although it is good to blend amongst the fashion crowd, don't blend to the point where you become boring.

Open up your fashion minds, and be creative. Ignore the cold weathers and daringly step out without the tights for a change. Especially when the do, is a fashion must for all diva's.

Style rating: Opaque tights worn under mini cocktails for a big gala event - 'Smirk'

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen


While loitering around Chiswick admiring the monopoly of middle-class brasseries I found this little gem of a book in Oxfam 'Japanese photography and its origin'- now, maybe its like the Collins dictionary version for people who already know anything about it, but I was OH SO VERY inspired by Tomiyasu Shiraiwa's 'Mirror' works. Co- incidentally I ended up selling a Stephen Gill photography book online, and it turned out the photographer I sold it to shares my interest in Buckminster Fuller, futuristic design and knows all about Japanese photography!

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I don't know what it is about books right now but ever since I had a dream about the thin A4 hand-bound perfect book/magazine I see them in a different way... as though I am going to find it amidst a sequence of fateful events that will change my life forever...
In my dream I was in a tiny all-white box-room and searching for this book, of which there was only one.. with black screen printing on ivory handmade paper (the smooth kind) there were at least 5 essays inside which i knew were essential for me to read for my future... but the book was so expensive i couldn't touch it, someone was watching me and I knew that as soon as I touched it would have to buy it. Surrounding this particular event I was bound to revisit and revisit again an old friend of mine who had take to wearing aubergine cardigans and had lots all the emotion from her eyes... she was not sad, just empty.

Wow, actually in retrospect.. it was a pretty dark dream.. but its an old one anyway.
More recently, (last night) I had a stressful time as a man posing as a respected scientist, in order to avoid being murdered by an older woman, I had to pose as a visiting researcher but I didn't understand the science 'in jokes' I tried in a half-height box toilet which had dangerously unlockable windows which was in the middle of the room. I had upset this woman because her dog had literally clamped its jaws onto my face. I was terrified before it bit me- but as soon as it happened I grabbed its mouth and held it away, shouting at the woman 'I COULD HAVE BEEN A BABY'! From this moment I was being chased as the women woud rather I die than except that her dog was evil... but i felt as though the whole time i had been trying to save someone else.

At one point I had to jump from the window of the science lab into a river with a heavy current.
I dived and swam so far under water i reached a maze- like a warehouse but under the sea... it was a green kind of grey and very peacful.



A bit wild in the studio at the moment, like visual white noise and amidst all that, my dreams of making puppet costumes for animation have been coming true... yes I think I might be one of those puppet people, more at home with the other than the self sometimes- WAY MORE FUN ANYWAY... check out the blog for the creation of this film- its going to be beautiful-
Heres the puppet progress for a new animation by Andrew Gibbs;
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Rabu, 03 Juni 2009


alvvino is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator who has lived and worked in England and Italy before settling in Berlin, Germany.


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No, not Nick Cave the musician of wonderful moustache ! Though due to my voided music knowledge, I thought it was the same person for a while...
Nick Cave (the fashion designer/artist) has been creating theses heavily embellished masterpieces for around 4 years and his massive collection of suits has recently finished showing at the Jack Shamain gallery in NY, I mean what have I been doing with my life missing out on all his exhibitions so far (including this one). He teaches fashion at the School Of Art Institute in Chicago and I seriously hope I someday get to meet this man, he sounds like someone that would change your life if you listened carefully enough- check out his profile
He says;
"My only concern around my work is making sure that my art continues to reach a broader community. My goal is to imbue the tenets of my artwork with the global world. I want to continue to use my artwork as a foundation to help others reach their endeavors by offering opportunities and experiences through a trans-interdisciplinary collaboration."

The value of history and theory and how they relate to fine art is very central to my process. Research and exploration has enabled me to establish a non-traditional practice and a visual language I can call my own. I aim to create art that embrace innovation and is thought provoking."

BRING THIS SHOW TO LONDON PLEAAASSSEEE! (for us chained to the city for the unforeseeable future)

Senin, 01 Juni 2009


Up, up, up and away!. I just couldn't get a wink of fashion lover sleep last night, as I lay in my queenly bed thrilled with the thought that the next big Winter / fall must have in every fashion lover's wardrobe will be the 'cape'.

If the fashion houses are too late on providing this staple piece to their fashion followers, then take heed to my fashion tongue, bring out your cape creation for next cold climate.

Yes, yes capes may have already flown high in the fashion arena, but I can see it's revival in a big way!. My fashion prediction tells me shores such as the land of Oz, have yet to embrace the cape phenomenon.

My eye for fashion, can see capes with wonderfully odd embellished clasps and chains. Statement capes is the new furore.

Oh what a wonderful sight this will be! so bold and frivolous, teamed with your staple pant and away my dears, fly fashion forward!.

Style rating:
Capes - " Standing ovation"

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion queen

P.S. To the fashion house: Embellish me a scarf whilst you're at it.


Safe to say that Mr N.P has landed and is staying!. Home to the land of Oz and the land of the day of thanks giving, this palettable fashion colour mogul has opened the eyes of many fashion lovers.

Like placing the cherry on top of a finished pie. Mr N.P and his oh so colour palettes have created finishing looks for he and she fashion lovers world over.

Bold, and rare is Mr N.Ps choice of intelligence in colours. Unlocking the hidden desires to play with colours, every fashionista dared to swipe on the hint of pink, purple, green and blue and all colours of the rainbow, just because Mr N.P says so.

Extending his foot offshores, is the greatest leap Mr N.P has taken, clever PR in his department I would say, but more so the talent is too obvious to say that it was just a marketing machine at play.

I must confess, amongst my bag of choice, somewhere deep within the ruins of phones, keys, and all things ladylike, I find my trusty mosaic blush for the day and pat, pat, pat away.

It appears to be completely in fashion to know of the Napoleon name. A fashion trend still climbing to the top.

Style rating:

Napoleon Perdis makeup - 'Bravo'

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. fashion queen


Sipping champers, twinking teas and nibbling on pumpkin pie, out of the corner of my eye, clad in a leather mini and midriff top was school girl like fashion no no.

She has compelled me to address the issue about tweens who dress beyond their age, if anything, dressing in noone's age. Call the fashion police and their mom's/ mum's please.

Who on earth would allow their mini me's to venture the streets clad in cheap and nasty attire?, most likely the folks are not aware or just don't care.

Fashion is a statment yes!, but not when you declare it in bad taste. I understand these young things want to be individual and create a moment in time of their own taste. But please honey, you're asking to be classified in the department of give me $5 for a shake, if you don't shake your nasty fashion habit.

It completely confuses my fashion palette to comprehend why on earth these tweens bend to this low, when the magazines circling their inner circle surely are not displaying the little handkerchief skirt and teatowel top?.

On this day, I am stern, and serious, because Madam Alexandra E. would never approve of young fashion lovers baring next to nothing and think they have just created fashion, more like just creating a sight for sore eyes.

Thankfully, there is still high hopes for these bad taste fashion lover tweens, as the mind ages, the fashion taste does also, just hoping in good taste.

Style rating:

Tweens clad in next to nothing - 'curling my lips' & 'No comment'

On this occasion a double opinion is a must!

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. fashion critic. fashion queen

P.S. For the mature fashion lovers? Please don't bother wearing mini's once you've peaked 35? . Let me put it politely, pushing a pram dressed in a mini and midriff screams, 'cheap and nasty mom/mum alert'. Unless you're supermodel gened then honey save them for another generation.

Dusdin Condren

Dusdin Condren lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Listen: Mixtape #01