Minggu, 16 Januari 2011


Amongst the frantic passing of Christmas and New Years.... I have completely lost track of the minutes and hours of the days......., still in the hum drum of 2010.... I know, I really should get with the programme, fast forward myself to 2011!.  My inbox is choc - a - block full of fashion fancies with the Aw/ Winter look books coming in thick and fast and of course all the lovely invitations to the new beginnings of some very interesting and creative industries xo.

I promise in the next few weeks, I shall dust off and re -seat myself on the Madam Ae fashion throne.

I am excited for 2011... given that we are a few weeks already into it and nearing to the end of January.... I am looking forward to the bursts of creative energy and the stylish imprints adorning our trendy streets and shores xoxo.

So, to my fashion lovelies, embrace yourselves for the new 2011 of fashion!  And instead of asking your cafe latte companions what is their 2011 resolution.... , simply ask them " What is your 2011"!  own it! 2011 is yours in the making xo.

Madam Alexandra E. ( K )

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