Kamis, 26 November 2009


Today it is personally about me... putting aside what is fashionably occurring globally. Let's just focus.

Yesterday I went on a bold expedition with my fashion loving fashionista friend.. Ms D.S... yes you know who you are lovely.

Knowing that I would have a long and heavy day of trekking around town.. I swapped my 'strappies' for a pair of decent flats..... yes... yes... Madam even gives her feet form a break...

As all fashionista's know... there is a wide world fashion phenomenon sweeping the streets of all fashion conscious... and that is the birth of 'Vintage' glamour!, recycled, reclaimed, reworked, reinvented, secondhand, op shop and all!!!.............xo

Armed with a open mind.. I am the first to admit.. I have not really ventured into a 'true' 'real' vintage/ op shop... I'm talking about the ones that are set up for the lower socio - economic class.

Ms D.S. who was an avid vintage shopper... took me to the location where it appeared to be a sea of 'true' 'real' vintage offerings.

I realised there is an art to vintage shopping...that is..., you need to really dig through the nitty gritty of things and you just might be lucky to find a 'real' vintage number.

Please note: you can not claim something to be vintage.. if it is passed off as secondhand after 6 or so years. True vintage is when the style transports you back to it's era of creation OF MORE THAN A DECADE AND MORE AGO!! I'M THINKING 10 - 20 OR MORE YEARS.

True vintage was my mission! .

After hours of trawling through nick knacks of this and that....I discovered a real gem.. yes.. it transported me back to the era of the 1860's.

An epiphany adorned on me.........op shops/ vintage shops/ second hand shops...are priced well above their price points ( only because it has become so fashionable)... so it makes me wonder and feel terribly sorry for those who are really in need of second hand shops.

An enlightening experience indeed... but very exhausting.

Swapping my flats for some nice ice packs... yes there was a lot of walking!

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion stylist.fashion queen.fashion critic

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