Minggu, 22 November 2009


It so cracks me up into fits of laughter... when I hear/ or read comments about my Madam Alexandra E. blog page..... one fellow blogger.. took a swipe by stating in their blog that this blog is just an opportunity to 'bi..ch' about the fashion pack.. and that it is a hating site on the designers....

Puhhhhhhleeeeeeeaaaaase get me a hanky/ tissue, pour me a warm bubbly of some sort, sit me down and let me cry!!!!!! NOT!

Let me set the record straight with my 'professional styling tongue'!.

1. This site does not bi....ch. The word bi...ch.. should really be left for the high school playground, when we worry about idle cliches etc..( Come on.. we are all adults here, that word no longer exists... find a fancier word than that please!)

2. This site's existence is for the purpose of helping the fashion culture/ industry move fashion forward. It is used to identify and at times to recognise those who provide input and impact into the fashion industry.

3. Quite right in that I do air my opinions... but done so with good merit!. Never with the intention to disintegrate, destroy or defame a persons skill at their art. But instead.. to inject creative feedback.. that will help the creative give us 'so much more'!!!!! ( those who cannot handle criticism/ feedback.. will only ever jump so high.. but never to their ultimate limit.., yet those who embrace the feedback of others.. will continue to provide and give us the best of their skill....

4. This site is also set up as a fashion portal.. for my many international fashion correspondents, fashion followers and fashion lovers who wish to know more about the fashion scene within Australia... ( be exposed to the underground designers etc) and worldwide.

5. This site has an element of 'New Age Journalism'! - where personal expression and opinion matters most. Executed at all times, with creative witty and quirky flare... Madam Alexandra E. is terribly serious, yet in a very fashionably absurd manner... only the most fashion conscious understands this level of 'style'. Mwah xoxo.

New Age Journalism revolves more around the attitude of the piece. Therefore everything is written with a quirky slant where visual and verbal fall into one. Example please!: If I say that I am strapping on a Choo whilst sipping on a latte... then yes, 'picture the fashion Madam strapping on her shoe, sipping on a latte!!! Got it???.. good.

6. My blog is always to do justice for the fashion culture, never to disdain or try and flush away it's existence.. but merely to flush away what is not working or at least help it to improve before it dissapears into non - existence! Mwah xo.

7. Always supporting those who provide 'INPUT AND IMPACT' to the fashion culture.. therefore: 'yes.. to all designers, fashion followers/ lovers... stylers. etc!

8. Warning; Flamboyancy is a hazard to those who live in an element of space where they don't really understand why 'fashion needs to move forward' and therefore continue to hinder its existence. Note: 'I am Flamboyancy to the 'Nth' degree! Mwah xoxo.

9. When I say I am a fashion critic it is because, yes I am a critic.. but one who appreciates all forms of artistic flare in fashion, lifestyle and beauty... read my definition of critic and you will understand that it does not mean what you have assumed it to mean.

When I say I am a fashion stylist.... it is because I am. Do I really need to start scanning and uploading my paper certified credentials?????That's filed away.. and really.. style has more to do with the 'eye'.. ....not a piece of paper! Note: but yes for all those in doubt... I do possess both!!!

When I say I am a fashion queen.... it is because theoretically I am. Seated on my fashion throne.. I am the fashion queen on my own element and space... I am not claiming to rob any one else of their title of being queen... we all like to wear the crown every now and again!xo. Fashion queen???... has anyone heard of 'figure of speech?'... yes.. well put two and two together please.

10. To other fashion bloggers and those who possess skepticism of this site, all I can say is: Yay!! the more the merrier.. there can never be too many players in the 'blogosphere'. 'Skepticism' your little hearts away. I certainly do not call myself a 'critic.stylist.queen', and not have the tenacity to accept criticism from others myself. Mwah xoxo.

11. Oh yes I forgot to say. When I sign off 'Love me or hate me'.... I do really mean... you can either 'love me or hate me'... but admit it.. you can't ignore me really???!!! xoxo.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion stylist.fashion queen.fashion critic

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