Kamis, 31 Mei 2007

Kitsuné Maison 4 Compilation

Kitsuné Maison 4 Compilation with rare and exclusive tracks from Darkel, The Whip, Feist, Foals, Hadouken!, Passions, Riot In Belgium, Dragonette, Guns n' Bombs, Punks Jump Up, Thieves Like Us, Crystal Castles and Whitey is out.

Listen to the promo mix | Check Kitsuné Maison Myspace

Selasa, 29 Mei 2007

Vonn Sumner

Vonn Sumner: "I try to create characters that convey a feeling of strangeness and absurdity. I think of them as people from another world who have just dropped down into ours- destined to misunderstand what they find. They are alarmed to find themselves in a world where people are capable of that which they are capable. When presented with the choice they choose madness, weirdness, freedom. They choose to let go, to loose their mind."

Ann P. Smith's Robots

Street Delivery | Arthur Verona

Street Delivery / 1-3 Jun 2007
str. arthur verona (bucureşti) / str. florimund mercy (timişoara)

Jumat, 25 Mei 2007

Olivier Pasqual

The Vader Project | Custom Darth Vader helmets

Pop surrealist, graffiti, tattoo, lowbrow, comic and underground artists Troy Alders, Kii Arens, Attaboy, Anthony Ausgan, Axis, Aye Jay, Gary Baseman, Andrew Bell, Tim Biskup, Andrew Brandou, Buff Monster, Nathan Cabrera, Mister Cartoon, Mr.Clement, Robbie Conal , Steven Daily, Dalek, Cam de Leon, Roman Dirge, Bob Dob, Marc Ecko, Eelus, Ron English , FERG , David Flores , Brian Flynn (Hybrid Design), Paul Frank, Huck Gee, Fawn Gehweiler, Mike Giant, Joe Hahn, Thomas Han , Derek Hess, Jeremyville, Sun-MinKim, David Horvath, Jim Koch, Frank Kozik, David S.Krys (DSK Designs), Peter Kuper , Wade Lageose (Lageose Design), Joe Ledbetter, Simone Legno Tokidoki, MAD, Mars 1, Bill McMullen, Melvins, Brian Morris, Niagara , Mitch O’Connell, olive47, Estevan Oriol, Alex Pardee, The Pizz, Plastic God, Playskewl, Dave Pressler, Seen, J. Otto Seibold, Shag , Sket-One, Shawn Smith, Winston Smith, Jeff Soto, Bwana Spoons, Jophen Stein, Suckadelic, CameronTiede, Touma, UrbanMedium , Michelle Valigura, VanBeater and Amanda Visell, show their allegiance to the dark side by customizing Darth Vader helmets in landmark gallery exhibition called The Vader Project, to debut at Star Wars Celebration IV on May 24 to 28 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Official Website: StarWars.com/VaderProject and TheVaderProject.com / See more helmets at Vinyl Pulse.

Kamis, 24 Mei 2007

Dennis Brown | bagger43

coming soon

30 August / 21:00 – Bumbapa (RO) / 23:00 – Sofa Surfers (AT) / 25:00 – Thievery Corporation (US) / 31 August / 19:00 – Shukar Collective (RO) / 21:00 – Gus Gus (IS) / 23:00 – U.N.K.L.E. (UK) - TBC / 25:00 – Soulwax (BE) / 01 September / 19:00 – The Pixels (RO) / 21:00 – Banco De Gaia (UK) / 23:00 – Coldcut (UK) / 25:00 – 2 Many DJ’s (BE) / 27:00 – Moby DJ Set (US) - TBC [via]

Anders Lindén

The Last Glass | 40" commercial for Cravendale

The Last Glass, 40" TV commercial for Cravendale, with a Pirate a Cyclist and a Cow living in total harmony until then run out of Cravendale, when panic ensues. Created by Wieden and Kennedy and animated by Belgian animators Pic Pic and Andre.

via 30gms

Angela Fraleigh

Rabu, 23 Mei 2007

The quiet revolution

The quiet revolution is the body of work by London based Illustrator Claire Scully inspired by the conflicting and harmonious relationships the urban environment has with the natural world.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2007

Hope Gagloff | pop culture - heavy designs

Daniel Egnéus

Miles Donovan

Peepshow co-founder Miles Donovan has produced hundreds of Illustrations for a diverse range of worldwide clients including The New York Times, The Observer, Billboard and Interview and has contributed to marketing campaigns for Cuervo, Rolling Rock, Airtran, Target and J Records.

Kamis, 17 Mei 2007

Nicoline Patricia Malina

Noaptea alba a galeriilor

Bucureşti / 26, 27 mai, 19:00 – 04:00 / Proiecte semnate de: Ovidiu Feneş, Alina Popa, Irina Gheorghe, Mihuţ Năiţă, Marina Albu, Dan Pintea, Szilard Miklos, George Drîmbău, Sebastian Big, Ciprian Dicu, Ana Blidaru, Anca Benera, Olivia Mihălţeanu, Alex Ciubotaru, grupul Peer to Peer, Ne placă ce faci Skateboard Art.

Spaţii de desfăşurare:
Galeria Andreiana Mihail / Str. Pandele Taruşanu 4 bis
Galeria Nouă / Str. Academiei 15
Galeria HT003 / Str. Hanul cu Tei 22
UNAgaleria / Str. Budişteanu 10
Galeria Posibilă / Str. Popa Petre 6
Galeria HAG / Str. Maria Rosetti 53
Galeria H’art / Str. Mihai Eminescu 105-107
ArCub / Str. Batiştei 14
Galeria 26/ OTA / Str. Dr. Staicovici 26
Galeria 115 / Str. Mihai Eminescu 115
Galeria Streetwise / Str. Aurel Vlaicu 146
Cărtureşti / Str. Arthur Verona 13

via incepem

Dan Perjovschi @ Moma

Dan Perjovschi, who lives and works in Bucharest, has transformed the medium of drawing, using it to create an object, a performance, and an installation. In the last decade, Perjovschi has made his drawings spontaneously in museum spaces, allowing global and local affairs to inform the final result. For his first solo museum exhibition in the United States, the artist will draw witty and incisive political images, in response to current events, on one wall of The Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium. Perjovschi will draw on the wall during public hours, allowing visitors to observe the creation of the work. The project is accompanied by a pamphlet created by the artist.

Watch video of Dan Perjovschi creating the installation @ Museum of Modern Art from New York: Part 1 | Part 2

Nicolae Comanescu | Beach culture in Bercsenyi

Nicolae Comanescu works series:
Beach culture in Bercsenyi [Berceni]
Grand Prix Remix
Wrong Paintings

Selasa, 15 Mei 2007

Tastespotting | Feed your addiction

Tastespotting = A Visual Filtration of Great Taste = Image + Link + Thought

Idealistic Home @ Czech Centre / Homegallery

idealistic home / 18-31 mai / Homegallery / str.romulus nr 14, ap 1
igloo meets blok / 18 mai / 15h00 / Czech centre

Take a step. Come inside. It is not a home. Nor is it a futuristic vision of a home. It’s just a search into the meaning of the word “home”.Imagine you sit on the bank of the lake; it’s just stopped raining; a ray of light has touches your cheek; you close your eyes… falling asleep on the waterside is something you never forget… But when did you last fell asleep like this in your own bed?

In the things we designed we have looked for the feeling of safety, harmony, love, intimacy, fantasia. Maybe this vision is a bit confusing, only a sketch, but this is what we wanted it to be, so you could look at a home with some sort of distance. It’s important not to look at the Idealistic Home as at an ensemble of useful things, thing you sit on, you sleep on, you cook on, or things that you fill up with other things. The Idealistic Home is a story. It can be your story!

Everything that matters in life in inside of you – your feelings, your aspirations, your dreams… the objects around us should be just a background, a means of fulfilling your dreams…how does your ideal background look like?

Concept: Jiri Macek & Jana Zielinski
Art-director: Maxim Velcovsky
Collaborators: Martin Hasek, Vladimir Nemecek, Bara Prasilova
Graphic Design: Martina Cerna

Senin, 14 Mei 2007

Max Abadian Studio

Born in Iran and raised in Germany, Max Abadian studied at Dawson’s Institute of Photography. A prestigious fashion and advertising photographer, he raises interest on an international scale. Max has an irresistible way of creating a captivating atmosphere. He seduces the eye with the unequivocal beauty of his work.

Jumat, 11 Mei 2007

Txema Yeste

History Evil Night Show @ Ota

Posters by DocMarCell / Sound by Tanz Ohne Musik
A project by Emanuel Borcescu /Tue 15th May 2007 / 7.30 pm / OTA

It's all about an alternative version of the official history as known from the propaganda posters. The history evil is reduced to the evil source in man and to go further we should take into consideration his personal traumas, obsessions or subjective moods. In the so called “propaganda posters” appear little flash-backs from the childhood of the cases I studied. The details speak of the intimate thoughts, or traumas. Some “Educative” posters have slogans in accordance to the subjective experience of the dictators. This is the real history - individual traumas, kitsch, obsessions. The evil in the official history as we know it is so abstract. In fact it's all about the evil in all of us. And some of us got the power.

Sinboy | new site

Dj Kicks: Hot Chip

"For years, the DJ Kicks series on the K7 label represented genre defining at its finest — mixes from Thievery Corporation and Carl Craig still stand up to scrutiny. Lately, though, the label has shifted the concept into a more eclectic, almost promotional direction. Mixes from Annie and Fourtet did less to strengthen a sound than show off the tastes of their curators. Hot Chip, one of the hottest bands in the electronic dance world, continue in that direction. Instead of focusing on a particular beat, the five-man band show off their æsthetic, going from boutique-shop chic (“Soundhack”) to minimal techno to new-wave pop (Joe Jackson’s “Steppin’ Out”). Rarely are the transitions smoothly mixed, and the cheekiness of the project often gets in the way. Launching the mix with Positive K’s “Got a Man,” for example, is a bit too on the nose; dropping “Bizarre Love Triangle” just before Young Leek’s “Jiggle It” seems, well, bizarre. There’s a lot to like, however, and sometimes the drop in the mix seems just right, as from the dark dance of Black Devil Disco Club into Bavarian minimalist Dominik Eulberg."

via the phoenix | photo & interview @ pitchfork | hot chip myspace

Kamis, 10 Mei 2007

Jinyoung Shin | dadaly.net

"Jinyoung Shin’s work is bizarre: spindly Burton-like skeletons with strange flesh-mechanics and wide Manga eyes cavort on Steadman-esque horizons full of inky flourishes and bisecting lines. Motifs seemed to have double-jointed limbs, thick lidded eyes, butterflies, razor blades and blood."

via startdrawing

Derrick Santini

Initially prolific in reportage, Derrick quickly became renowned for his intimate portraiture combined with his signature lighting and composition, as well as for his music photography including art work and editorial spreads of Muse, Lil' Kim, Lily Allen, Ashanti, Taking Back Sunday, Jamelia, Finley Quaye, Lupe Fiasco, Lady Sovereign, The Diplomats, Queen's of the Stone Age, LeToya, and The Cardigans.

Francisc Chiuariu | Obsession

Francisc Chiuariu - Obsession @ Galeria Quasar Antiques (Calea Victoriei, nr 61-83)