Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009


In a belated viewing of the September, I Issue fought through 15 minutes of seething anger at the system until I surrendered to eventual enjoyment of what is an incredibly well-timed great marketing idea , and for the same reason respect Wintour for doing a Warhol and making fashion and her own celebrity the driving force of an enterprise. Grace Coddington is all expression and forms subject of interest in itself but mostly because when the same real-time pauses are applied to Anna, we get the polar opposite, a mirror. Her self-consciousness has no vulnerability seemingly because it is in itself a controlled presentation of her own status.

A returned vacant stare to the camera says to me;

I see you watching me and I am watching you right back, because my purpose is to be acknowledged as a brand. The less I do, the less I say, the firmer the image becomes. I am like photograph, static and unchanging, and you will buy it because it is a reliable product.
What you see is what you get....

but that's all your getting.

Is this a newly popular operation- Industrial self-maintainance perhaps?

Although I have massive respect for great business minds, I am also a bit more inclined to the French way of thinking in that high-fashion is an Art as well as the product of a process in operation for and as a result of industry. I truly believe it can exist both simultaneously and intertwined.
However, The American fashion industry (if epitomised by Wintour) seems slightly adverse to the pedestal for clothing as an object of art- there is no critical allowance for a personal objectivism and interpretation, as there would be for a sculpture for instance. Their industry is very much more the art in itself, so if it doesn't sell, if it doesn't operate to service the industry of fashion and its requirements, it is without value to the fashion media.

I cannot help but wonder whether this kind of industry-conscious authority is simply
resulting in designers pandering to the industry by following advice NOT because they doubt their own , but because they fear the repercussions if they don't follow the heavy 'recommendations' made to them.
I know for sure I would be pretty terrified if I had to present something to Anna Wintour, but mainly because I don't respond to silent authority at all well...
If someone faces you with negative reactions with no wish to enlighten you with the WHY then its truly disappointing. I mean the WHY is the most interesting part, and if all you get is a horrified glance or a mild smile or a yes or a no then to take it on board makes just as much sense as shaking a magic 8 ball every season and hoping for the best...
Obviously that general mentality qualifies for blacklisting, and the opposing argument is a good one- You cant criticize the rules of the game when your not playing it properly anyway.

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