Senin, 19 Oktober 2009


Ladies and gentlemen please stand up..... as 'Janel Molton' enters our fashion closets!.( yes the above is an image of Janel.) Yes.. yes.. yes.. yes... a new 'stylista' has been born,....... born actually this year( referring to her vintage concept). Like all other fashionista lovers.. Janel Molton has hopped on the fashion band wagon of making 'vintage' 'tres chic'.

The owner and creator of "a new vintage boutique".. (is the trademark quote). Apparently Janel Molton has opened up her love of 'affordable high end fashion treasures' to fashion lovers of the like. On a mission to make the old become fashionably new.

Pardon me while I take a pause...........and swap over the contents from my Wayne Cooper bag ( yes.. the Wayne cooper.. has designed some eye catching arm candy.. which I'm putting through some trial and error) into my Alphabet baguette. Hmmmmmmm vintage????? hmmmmm vintage???.. I'm only beginning to welcome this new 'supposed' fashion craze... not because I don't relish in the thought of wearing 'second hands.. or garage sale items'.. but because..... vintage to me..has to be very specific.

Don't just take me to a yard sale and declare the fashion contents as vintage!.. and don't pass off numerouse second hand goods as vintage either!. Vintage in Madam Alexandra E's terms.. means.......'delicate... either reworked.. revived or born again high end vintage'. I'm sorry fashion lovers.. but purchasing something from your local cheapy chain store... does not count as vintage.... 20 years later..... too cras for my liking. xoxo.

Anyway... back to the purpose of today, Relic sells 'high end' vintage apparel... whether you find a Bottega Veneta ensemble or a Christian Lacroix brooch... if you think it's fashion.. then it'll most likely be found on

Madam Alexandra E. was under the impression that the product of would be somewhat 'classy vintage'... ( the webby.. is very stylish and has impact indeed). Upon closer inspection..the fashion truth began to rear its head.

Cleverly categorised by style or designer..... but lacking fashionably.. would have to be the styling of each 'vintage garment'... mis matched headless modelled bodies.... no real flare at all.

In my loud opinion... it would take much more to persuade me to purchase vintage online!. I would need to see it displayed as if I were purchasing it in it's original form.. or else make it look desirable?????.

Other than the styling display works.. I would say that a 'desperate vintage fashionista' would most likely find her beloved 'something' within . Not too sure about the vintage foot wear.. ( fashionably gross).

These are some of my favourite fashion picks.. items which I could possibly envisage as being a 'worthy classy vintage purchase???' at ( although Madam Alexandra E. would add more stylish flare to the purchase.... ).

Gone are the days of just buying originals... all of sudden.. it has become fashionably uplifting to wear 'vintage'. Rebirthing the old to look like the new... something along those lines.

Well fashionista's all I can say, is I love the original idea of Janel Molton.. if she can make 'vintage' fashionable in NYC (New York City).. then it won't be too long.. for an Aussie fashionista / stylista to replicate this 'vintage' idea. Mwah xoxo. I have a tickling feeling that Janel Molton is onto something very BIG... very big in this fashion climate!. xo.

All of a sudden I feel a mini head ache coming on..... hmmmm must be the smell of 'vintage in the air'. Please pass me the Chanel No. 5 ( to muff out the vintage odour).... It belongs' to my grandmother.. the colour is now quite 'offish'... but can I still use it??? because it should now be classified as 'Vintage????'. xoxo.

Do your homework fashionista's.... take a peak at

P.S. Through my Madam Alexandra E looking glass... I can predict.. the next big fashion must do.. is 'vintage runway shows.. reworked stylish vintage'...... but puhhhhhleeeasse do not include vintage foot wear... as much as I love my Blahniks and Choos' and so forth... I believe it to be rather foul in fashion taste to slip into the footwear of others...... too cras.... xoxo.

Style rating: - Applaud ( stylish effort) very interesting... but.. needs to classy it up a bit.

Love me or hate me,

Madam Alexandra E. fashion queen

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