Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009


The hills are alive with the sound of .................... ahem... correction, 'the mountains are alive with the sounds of KORA' lala la la la. Yes ladies and gentlemens of this earth... close your eyes.. smell the freshness....suck in the calmness.. compose yourself and be ready and open to the embrace of 'organic openings'.

Mmmmm sounds very much like a Madam Alexnadre E. meditation chant of her own...except mine would most likely consist of...." all fashionista's... embrace your Gucci's, Hermes, Chloe's, take a breath and smell the Burberry accents...and Arden eau de toilette's... and of course chant a merrily humming to the glee full feeling of slipping your toes into a delectable Manolo Blahnik creation.... and then ultimately you would have drifted off into a fashion calmness.... Mwah xoxo.

Back to reality. When I first heard whispers of our beloved Miranda Kerr ( beloved in the sense of we love her to death... just so real.............), slipping her fashion flare into something that had nothing to do with negligee and nighties of such... I thought with warm fuzzy glee.........wow, finally Miss Kerr is given the right to walk the path of her true passion. ( the kind of passion where we all know.. we do something we love.. but then of course we have other paths where we do something we TRULY Dooley love mwah. xo.

And so with my heart fluttering with anticipation..when the first murmurs of the name KORA circulated as the 'name' behind the new project.....I was instantly transported to a feeling of 'free falling'... ah yes.. the corny bits starts here. Smart little cookie is she.. the name KORA already has a suggestive sense of calmness....coolness and a whole lot less of all that 'buzz and happening's'.

My critic tongue says that although it is not of its first concept to introduce Australia to organic.... but it is definately the first to name itself Kora and of course have Australia's most loved child ( yes Miss Kerr) fronting the face of Kora.. and the notion that Ms Kerr is worth much more than just sashaying herself down a runway.. shows us that yes fashionista's even the most beautiful faces in the world.. have brains and ambitions beyond the catwalks ( Oh, and must not forget to shout out.. only offering at David Jones Australia.. .. yes.. that's a clever little concept of keeping it genuinely exclusive.....)

I'm completely in love with the notion that Miss Kerr has associated herself with wanting everybody to lather themselves up with lotions and potions of 100% organic offerings. Too often do we see our famous breeds of faces collaborating in this department... merely just as the fronting face of the product... but a little birdie tells me... through sheer intuition, that Miss Kerr did not just offer her face with this little project.... but also her voice.. yes input is very important!

Will the product work???? I don't know.. as I haven't tried it... but I assume on good fashion knowledge and authority that it probably will work... because who wouldn't believe the offerings and ideas of Miss Miranda Kerr? xo. She simply just looks down to earth.. without even uttering a word, similar to that.. of 'what you see is what you get'. Will the concept work?????? YES YES YES YES... and I thought that aloud all in one 'mental breath' phew.. breeeeeeaaaaath now.

The concept of 100% organic skin care is deliciously refreshing!..........too often have we seen the births of other organic concepts.............but never have we felt this 're - freshed'... there is truly something unique about this lotion offering..........a serenity of pureness in the name itself. Hmmmm already I have an urge to roll out my meditation mat and Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll.

Very appealing indeed... and for all those voices who are concentrating more on the flesh bare advertisement as opposed to the actual KORA concept??????????? where is your fashion dignity???? xo. My interpretation?: I believe it portrays from Miss Kerr 'this is me.. this is real'. ( hahahahah poetic such is I, Madam Alexandra E.) x.

Style rating: Miranda Kerr ( KORA) - Bravo ( loving it, air kisses all around.. give me more darling).

P.S. Love the ad disclaimer: '100% positive skincare'... does this mean.. when I lather myself with Kora.. all my ill thoughts will be banished?? and I will face the day and earth with absolute strength and might and eliminate my skepticism's???? .. of course not.. but quite possibly I will just feel down right at peace.

P.P.S. My fashion critic tongue advice to Miss Kerr?????...............when time permits, please introduce the KORA concept to the Parisian fashionista's.... little fashion birdies have tweetered into my ear.. that Paris would welcome this with open arms and of course their Chanel bags:) xo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E.
fashion critic.fashion expert.fashion queen

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