Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009


National Novel Writing Month

After my post yesterday, I was visiting some of my favorite blogs. Sorry, it's not everyday as I would like, my computer is literally running on minimal memory and keeps freezing on me. Nothing more annoying. But as I was browsing, I ran into Jen @ Haute Whimsy, and her post introduced me to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It was one of those "right place at the right time" kind of moments. So I signed up for the challenge.

The challenge is, for the month of November to write 50,000 words for a novel (equals about 175 pgs.) It's about quantity not quality. To plug through and see where your mind takes you. I figure that is about 5-6 pages per day. Tough for working 40 hours per week, but doable.

If you are interested, visit the National Novel Writing Month website for more details.

I'm thinking about ordering one of these cute Tees for inspiration. Aren't they adorable?

Way too cute.

So, if your in for the challenge,
get your coffee, computers, and arthritis cream ready to type away.

Have a great day!

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