Senin, 30 November 2009

ARCHITECTURALLY FOOT FORM - FROM ALEXANDER McQUEEN. Will the luxury Jean Brown group host an 'Alien' night to welcome the new shoe offering???????

Shoe fascination has gone raving mad!..... but architecturally complex! . I was really trying so hard to ignore the urge to pen my critic thoughts on the latest shoe offering. But ignoring it... just seems too absurd. Any raving fashionista lover would have to have his/ her five cents opinion about these foot forms.
Born from the creatively, artistic brain of Master designista Alexander McQueen. His latest foot form offerings... are self titled 'Alien' shoes... a very befitting name if I say so myself.

Alien - out of this world, not belonging... scientific..., odd form. These are the exact words that come to my mind... when I think of Alien.
The Alien shoe is odd form... you can also say out of this world.. and as for belonging???? hmmmm, preferrably belonging in an unknown place.

Mr McQueen first introduced his Alien creations in his latest SS 09/ 010 collection.... more so as a statement art piece to accompany his said creations. But unexpectedly Mr McQueen received a flood of emails from obviously endearing and fashion obsessed fashionista's who 'seriously wished to purchase a pair of Alien shoes'. May I ask to wear to where?????

Madam me.. Alexandra E. would be more inclined to use a pair of Alien foot forms as a displaying work of art!... or perhaps a vase??? Beautiful to admire in an odd element... but not practical to adorn!... but then again, high end fashion generally does not sport 'practicality'.

Definitely making history in the fashion industry..... McQueen may just as well have raised the bar for Jimmy Choo, Castle and Blahnik etc........................... Shoe wear has gone architecturally looney!

My critic tongue says.... although too unbelievable to be placed beside my collection of foot forms.... the alien shoe however could be considered as a very expensive fashionable art collectible!..... I believe the Alien shoe will become a rare collectible in many many years to come.

So if your purse strings are long enough and wide enough... then invest in an 'Alien'.... just for the sake of collecting 'ART'.... My prediction?... this 'Alien' footform would never be publicly worn on the streets of the norm....but will definitely be worth a mint.. in many decades to come.

Hmmmm I may just polish down my display cabinet.... to make room for an 'A.L.I.E.N'.xoxo.

P.S. surely the Alien foot forms come with a 'BEWARE'/'WARNING' sign/ tag????... something along the lines of:

BEWARE - Congratulations for purchasing your first Alien, proceed with extreme caution. Not recommended to be worn on the feet.. except if only sitting, lying down or leaning against something that will bare the weight of the Alien. Please check with a medical specialist first if their is sufficient ankle/ foot bone sturdiness.. to adorn the Alien'.

Oh yes... I think there should also be an instructions list for the Alien:

INSTRUCTIONS - Make sure there is sufficient feet grip before adorning an Alien. Lift each feet with all your might and height... ...lift and bend the knee. And stomp your way around. Mwah xo.

Style rating: Alexander McQueen 'Alien Shoes' - Big Grin ( Righteously different)

Homework -

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic

Snow Creatures

In love with these precious little guys...

Little Red Cardinal

Love his little mohawk!

Beautiful Snow Owl

Nothing better than howling

at the snow.

Or prowling in it...

Tis the season

to gather around with friends

and have a little fun in the snow!


If only I lived in NY, I could go to the Pop Shop hosted by AREAWARE Boutiques and Item Idem over the christmas season- apparents its gonna be 'whimsical'- AKA full of all the best stuff!
After all, christmas is all about what people need for their souls, not for their meagre lives!
....Wooden desk toys by Singgih Cartono, Silk prints dresses by United Bamboo, and anything by VPL (YES_ VISIBLE PANTY LINER! What a great brand concept- HELLO its not embarrassing its cool) and isnt that also so Lady-Gaga costume-esque? She is totally gonna be sent a batch of those bones following her performance of late. Its ALLLLL about the a-symetrical bone sash- right now- watch this space for Grazia trend summary on that...

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Minggu, 29 November 2009


EERRRR was I out of the country when this came out????????


Someone recently who brought up the general  idea that 'its not possible to be good at everything' which has weighty truth to it of course, but generally is a statement I hate...
Imadgine if there was one thing you HAD to do or else everything would fall apart, your future depended on it even if it was at  a barely definable crossroad in your life... you would HAVE to be able to do it- and low and behold this defeatist fact would be embedded somewhere deep within- holding you back...
-Anyway so I find it so reassuring when people have multiple skills- like NY stylist Jamie M Rosenthal who has amazing  Womenswear designs and concept looks amongst a portfolio of sultry warm styling examples (so sultry-like oil paintings)- The metal mask and skin-coloured gloved minidress are hardcore good.


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"HER DESIGNS DIDN'T SEPERATE HER FROM THOSE ON A DEPARTMENT FLOOR STORE"... OUCH! - This was one of many said observed reviews..from fashion reviewer's/ critics worldwide... towards Collette Dinnigan's Spring 2010 collection.
This does resemble a very generic style maxi dress

Apparently the theme was to resemble the story of Alice In Wonderland..... a progression of going through a 'black rabbit' hole and emerging to a colourful spirited and happy destination. Hence Collette's cause for introducing the black ensembles.... and then progressing to the fru fru colour designs.
Not quite sure about this........

Seated on my fashion throne, I could understand why my colleagues of fashion critics made such a comment......towards Ms Dinnigan's latest. This is only justified.. because the expectations placed on a 'high end' designista based in the Parisian to pull out all the creative stops ever possibly imagined!!!

Therefore.... Ms Dinnigan placed in the Parisian city....high end label..... is expected to take the French breaths away,..... and once the French are impressed .... then the world over shall be too! . xo.
PARIS. FRENCH = COUTURE... the birth place.
If I was critiqueing Ms Dinnigan simply from a local critiqueing point of view... with hardly much expectation.. then I would say.. the creations are delectable. A bit drab and boring with the black numbers.... but the colour offerings towards the end... are delightful!

This tiered ruffle layered creation is suffice

The days' of Ms Dinnigan weaving her creative flare..... is slowly disappearing.... but into where exactly????... A muse perhaps? is the solution. Creatives/ designista's even have arististic BLOCK syndrome..... where we just fail to provide what is expected. But then who sets the expectations???.... well in this case.... the FRENCH.

The French are renowned for their fierce and ferocious hunger for Fashion!. Like their food palettes... and winery.... only the BEST.GRANDEST.FINEST.THRILLING fashion is passable.... throw in a twist of classy Parisian(ess). So when a designista on their shores... whips up just anything... and presents it on a Parisian Runway............, blasphemy is declared.. .and gasps are heard!.

My critic tongue says....... Ms Dinnigan... if you were showcasing in the local shores of Australia... then I am sure you would received a standing ovation... simply because here you are one of Australia's greatest success stories in the fashion pack. But, unfortunately... you are now judged internationally in the highly competitive high end fashion city of Europe... and to this??... alas..... the verdict has been cast........................ I know there is more that you can offer. xo.

Pouring myself a comfort drink..

Luv .............this


Vintage chic,.... is what I'm feeling too generic looking for high end

Ummm .. yeah... ok...just created hey?

Seen this too often...

Style rating: Collette Dinnigan Spring 2010 - Applaud ( Stylish effort)

Do your homework for more: ( the best)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. ( k)
fashion critic
at the
Pelican Grande Resort

This is where we spent our Thanksgiving.
It was picture perfect...

Truly a special day.

We sat inside a beautiful dining room with a beach view.

We felt as if we were on a mini vacation in the Bahamas.

It was hard to pay attention to food,

with a view such as this,
not to mention my handsome date. :)

But eat we did...

turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potates,
flank steak, vidalia chicken, tomato mozzarella salad,
sushi, colassal shrimp cocktail, ceasar salad,
and pumpkin pie,
oh, and chocolate raspberry cake.

Not ashamed to admit...
this girl can eat!

Hope everyone had a feast fit for King,
or Queen!


I heart studios is an East London Photography and styling collective consisting of  Emma, Christopher, Pamela and Luke- an they all get creative together and shoot for big guns like Ella and Vogue as well as lots of independants in their  1200ft white canvas of opportunity.These pics they have  taken using my some Tour De Force pieces are defo amongst my favorite ever! xoxo
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Eco- fashion designer Lu Flux of patchwork fame, has made this romantic film for her ss10 collection-
I know how much Lu loves her massive dog - and he has put in a good performance her as the idylic side-kick to the perfectly-dressed couple. Doesnt he look like Barney? Do they do a breed of Barney at 1/10 of the scale... want one.

Check it;

Dominique Fung

Inspired by popular culture, and the secrets hidden within the world we all know, Dominique Fung's work often explores a creative relationship, one that occurs through her use of design and fine art in conjunction with one another. Currently residing in Oakville Ontario, Dominique plans to move this fall to either New York, Toronto or Los Angeles.

Jumat, 27 November 2009


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Kamis, 26 November 2009



I AM 100% SOLD


Today it is personally about me... putting aside what is fashionably occurring globally. Let's just focus.

Yesterday I went on a bold expedition with my fashion loving fashionista friend.. Ms D.S... yes you know who you are lovely.

Knowing that I would have a long and heavy day of trekking around town.. I swapped my 'strappies' for a pair of decent flats..... yes... yes... Madam even gives her feet form a break...

As all fashionista's know... there is a wide world fashion phenomenon sweeping the streets of all fashion conscious... and that is the birth of 'Vintage' glamour!, recycled, reclaimed, reworked, reinvented, secondhand, op shop and all!!!.............xo

Armed with a open mind.. I am the first to admit.. I have not really ventured into a 'true' 'real' vintage/ op shop... I'm talking about the ones that are set up for the lower socio - economic class.

Ms D.S. who was an avid vintage shopper... took me to the location where it appeared to be a sea of 'true' 'real' vintage offerings.

I realised there is an art to vintage shopping...that is..., you need to really dig through the nitty gritty of things and you just might be lucky to find a 'real' vintage number.

Please note: you can not claim something to be vintage.. if it is passed off as secondhand after 6 or so years. True vintage is when the style transports you back to it's era of creation OF MORE THAN A DECADE AND MORE AGO!! I'M THINKING 10 - 20 OR MORE YEARS.

True vintage was my mission! .

After hours of trawling through nick knacks of this and that....I discovered a real gem.. yes.. it transported me back to the era of the 1860's.

An epiphany adorned on me.........op shops/ vintage shops/ second hand shops...are priced well above their price points ( only because it has become so fashionable)... so it makes me wonder and feel terribly sorry for those who are really in need of second hand shops.

An enlightening experience indeed... but very exhausting.

Swapping my flats for some nice ice packs... yes there was a lot of walking!

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic


Just a fashion thought: You know about those hugging mini dress just above the knee with quarter length arm sleeves, and puffed slightly at the rim of the shoulder???.. well it would be nice to see one made from from that 'Chinese.. cheong sum' fabric....( the traditional female Chinese attire in tea rooms).. maybe in a rich jet black palette.. emerald green would be nice too.

Someone hop to it, make one.. send to me.. and I shall oooh and ahh. and review with much delight. Team it with a pair of black ankle heel boot style pumps... HOT.

P.S. but please don't design the high top neck collars, instead throw in a nice low drop V neckline.. or simple rounded cowl neck drop.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic

Rabu, 25 November 2009

Mrs Obama - sneaker rich $

Today will simply be a fashion report. Reporting on the 'White House' and its first lady's fashion furore!

Everybody appears to be up in arms over Mrs Obama's choice in 'sneaker' wear. Fair enough it may have emptied her pockets of less than $540.00... ...but hey... ... the 'urge to splurge'..generally exists in every femme's genetics.
The much discussed topic of conversation, are her metallic pink capped, suede, grosgrain ribbon lace sneakers! ( so fashionable .. it's said in one breath!). Created from the french LANVIN label.... yes... e.x.p.e.n.s.i.v.e $$$.

But please... give Mrs Obama a break... she is merely keeping in touch and up to date with her fashion inner being... after all, she is a female.

I'm sure the worldwide press would still be oohhing and ahhhing if she wore a pair of $20.00 sneakers.. half chewed by the family dog!... the headlines would be reading... 'The first lady... footwear on a budget!".

My critic tongue declares.... if Mrs Obama has the urge............then please splurge!

All in support of fashion! Mwah.

P.S. Exceptional attention for the house of LANVIN!!!!! p.u.b.l.i.c.i.t.y!!!

Style rating: Michelle Obama - $540.00 Lanvin sneaker : Whistle (street cool indeed!)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Home Sweet Home

I've been busy Condo hunting this past couple of weeks!

Which is why my blog and book writing have been a little sporadic...

but I may have narrowed it down.

Anyone who has purchased a home or even considered it,

knows how consuming it can be.

Naturally, I couldn't have picked a better time

with the holidays and my NaNoWriMo challenge,

but sometimes opportunity knocks.

I miss reading my daily blogs...

and do visit often,

although sometimes

my internet seems to freeze

when I try to comment,

and no longer have the leisure to check at work (shh!),

so I try when I can from my little iPhone.

Thanks to everyone for your continued friendship

and following!



This is the work of Mr K.Lagerfeld or Coco Chanel!

RESORT 2010 has just been cast!. So befitting for the Australian followers who wouldlove to view predictions for resort wear.

Pucker up the lips and adorn the heads with over sized over brimmed sunny gear.. well in Mr K. Lagerfeld's case.. a hoodie cape will suffice! .. Luving his creativity, of merging the eery vampirish feeling with walking barefooted along a beach front boardwalk???! , only the great Lagerfeld could merge together such a feeling. xo.

And this is Sonia Rykiel......................................

No comment.. really??? what is this? or what is that?... what's so different?.........hmmmm I've witnessed much more glorious creations from Rykiel. This resembles offbeat style. Liking the offbeat mesh stocking under the heels xo.

This is Viktor & Rolf ....xo xo xo xo

I just keep looking at the platform pumpy heels!!! I so want... I shall get!. Effortless design style.. dreamy, drapery effect is the key to looking stylishly effortless. C.L.A.S.S.Y modern.

Hmmmm: this is Alexander the great WANG

The shorts are cute... I'll embrace the combination of "longness with shortness", but usually I see much more with Alexander Wang... But keeping in mind that Mr Wang has married 'funk with resort'.

Woweeeee, this is Mr Alexander McQueen!!!

So Strikingly artistic!... You can definately see his inspiration and story behind this little number: 'artistic' infusion of lines and boldness.
Tricky tricky... skin tight, oh so tight that the illusion is as if the pant is painted on?? Very clever Mr McQueen.. artistic minded indeed! xo.

Oh.. and this is Phillip Lim.

So terribly cutesy and flirty. The texture is a match made in fashion innocent in a play up effect.

So there you have it... resort wear 2010 on the runways of the city of NY!..... The challenge: is anybody bold and daring enough to drape on your hoodie cape over your swimmers and bare your devine soul to fash gods' on the beach???? Umm. maybe no.....The only hoodie any Australian would be draping is the towelette beach hoodies??? you know.. the ones made especially for the toddlers for easy drying of the hair and body??

My fashion tongue says: Chanel is my favourite, although I usually like Alexander Wang..., McQueen has definately brought it to another element.. and Sonia Rykiel in resort season.. just wasn't tickling my taste buds... boo hoo. Much love of course.

Style rating: Resort Wear 2010 - Big Grin ( righteously different!)
Do your homework, investigate further : ( the best)

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
fashion critic