Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Happy Halloween!

Last-Minute Ideas

These orange sorbet desserts are super easy and only 2 ingredients: oranges and ice cream. Martha Stewart recommends orange or mango, but vanilla or chocolate would be delicious too!

See instructions HERE.

Or how about these spider deviled eggs?

Recipe HERE via Sunset.

Happy Birthday to my Dad
& my brother!

Follow Simply Colette

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Blog Couture

What Bloggers Wear

I was so excited to finally have some time to get out with the new tripod and my new Blog Couture shirt from the uber cool Gabby from Gyspy Diaries!

How do you sport your Blog Couture?

Follow Simply Colette

Eat, Drink and Be Scary


I know you all have fashioned neat outfits for this Halloween weekend! Get out, go out and have fun! Although the moon will not be full, it will be an an iconic crescent moon so take a moment to admire it's ever-constant beauty.

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. ~Mason Cooley

A Cup of Jo

I woke up this morning and saw the Photography Getaways daily views was 1,568 yesterday! Holy smokes...  thank you Joanna at A Cup of Jo!!

See Joanna's Friday Link List HERE!


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Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Holiday Tealight Project & Ornaments

Happy Friday!

I am so smitten with these DIY holiday tealight candles...

For instructions on How To, see HERE.
This can be applied to all holidays, just use a different color.

Also, my holiday ornaments are now available on Etsy...

This year these photos are available too... in case you'd rather hang holiday art in a frame...
or perhaps a holiday card set!

Have a Happy & Safe Halloween Weekend!

Follow Simply Colette

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Spooky Travels

Travel Thursday

Here are some pics with a darker edge for this week of Halloween...


1.  Cemetary in Philadelphia.
2.  Old building near the Simplon Pass in Switzerland.
3.  Church and clock tower in Tirano, Italy. (On the Swiss-Italian border.)

Happy Spooky Traveling!

Follow Simply Colette



photograph by Erika, TREND Staff Photographer
Local Designer Stacie May is not only an amazing designer, but an amazing person as well! Last night at our Launch Party, she was sweet enough to bring along some samples of her clothing that we featured in our magazine! Here, she is donning one of her very own creations. I must say, her collections are very neat. They are retro, modern, vintage and sharp. We love Stacie May!

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

A Dash of Culture

UCSD's Best Dressed
Discovered by: Bridgett, TREND Staff Writer

Name: Lilia
School: Sixth College
Major: Art History
Spotted at: Mandeville

Chocolate Colored Boots: Ross
Embossed Leather Purse: "I bought it in the mercado (shops) near the pyramids in Mexico"
Blue Jeans: Target
Scarf: The Metropolitan Museum
Earrings: Old Town San Diego
Hair Pin: UCSD Bookstore
Other Jewelry: Street Fairs or Farmer's Markets

Take on her own fashion:
"I try to implement different cultures into my outfits. It is what makes fashion both fun and personal. I don't like the mannequin look. I don't like rigidity. I want something that is subtle, but will make people look twice."

I often see Lilia around and she never fails to wear something new and interesting. All her outfits include eclectic accessories and clothing that somehow look perfect together. In this outfit, she has two different pairs of earrings on and it suits her well! I also feel that her thick black curly hair always acts as an accessory to her solid, smart looking outfits: especially with the vintage hair pin placed in it.

-Bridgétt, TREND Staff Writer

Macaron Tea Party

Good Eats Wednesday

If you didn't read about my planned Macaron Tea Party... that's ok, because here it is!
It turned out excellent! Mom and I highly enjoyed our macaron sampling session. However, they did not show up until towards the end of my vacation, so we had to eat most of them in one sitting. Oh ouch, how rich!

This is my Pink dedication to Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

I thought the Green Tea & Black Sesame would be our favorites... being that we both adore these flavors, but we highly loved: Lemon, Lavendar, & Rose. All very fragrant. The lemon is fresh and tart, the lavendar made with real lavendar as you can see, and the rose is made with rose water, which has an aroma with every bite.

Of course the chocolate and caramel were amazing too!

Did you notice just how Green our Green tea is, well it's because this stuff is the real deal. The only green tea I can practically drink now... thanks a lot Mom for spoiling me with the best. It comes in a package with Japanese writing... the reason it tastes so good... toasted rice! Luckily, she did surprise me with my own bag. (If you'd like to try it, you can order HERE, she is extremely health conscious, so this stuff is very healthy!)

Aren't these the coolest pictures?! I swear a photographer can never relax!
I was on the couch, after just waking up and saw the stream of steam from mom's makeshift teapot / strainer, so I ran to get my camera, as I had to capture it with the morning light and steam illuminated by the cool October morning.

Another thing this Floridian couldn't resist was a jog to feel the cold morning air in my lungs, something I never get to experience since living here. So, I went for a run and saw a hot air balloon!

The Lavendar macaron toast!
See the little lavendar seeds,
you just feel relaxed as soon you take a bite.

Bon appetit!!!

Follow Simply Colette

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Stack, But Don't Pack

Recommendation: Clarisse, TREND Staff Stylist

Layering rings will easily take any outfit from bland to beautiful. Layer them, but be careful to not over clutter! Try layering classic stones and simple metals. Working this look can definitely revamp an outfit by adding some glitz, without going over the top and looking tacky. You can go simple for everyday wear, and even go edgy or glamorous for night. This is yet another perfect way to exude your inner you. Accessories are definitely a girl’s best friend!

Time to look back and celebrate!

This past year has been the most phenomenal and eventful year of my life. And I have grown more as an individual than I did in several years put together. One of my self-enhancing initiatives last year was to learn to live with less. I was a recovering shopaholic and it did nothing at all for my self-esteem. My personal style still lacked a distinct image. I realized that I was trying to live up to others’ image of who I should be. So I gave up on this headless chicken run and set forth to find my own identity. And so started the blog www.lifein2suitcases.com
I did not even know that there were a lot of people following my personal quest. And was pleasantly surprised when Sunday mid-day got in touch with me to write an article on my quest to de-clutter my life and find an emotional and spiritual balance.
So this is what was published.

To read the entire 2 page article, use this link to get to the Sunday epaper. http://epaper2.mid-day.com/epaperhome.aspx?issue=24102010&edd=mumbai
Please scroll down to page 28-29 to read the story.

To read my blog on de-cluttering, visit www.lifein2suitcases.com

Been out of action for a while. Will surely catch up with you all now. Thanks for your support and the positive influences I have found in the blogosphere.

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Nanowrimo 2011

Calling All Writers!

For those of you who don't know what Nanowrimo is... it stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is your chance to set a goal and write a novel, but here's the catch... all within ONE month! 175 pgs (50,000 words)... that's right, just one month. It doesn't cost a thing, although they do take donations... it's just a chance to set a goal, especially if you've always wanted to write a book.

Last year, I participated, and though I didn't quite complete the 50,000, I did get halfway. So I'm thinking, that if I catch the Nanowrimo fever, I may complete this task of finishing my first fiction novel!

What is my book about, you ask? I've never really shared before, BUT it's about an American girl who has opened her own patisserie/ bakery in the idyllic town of Zermatt, Switzerland. That's all I can say for now!

FYI... two fabulous bloggers that actually completed their first novel, because of this announcement last year on Simply Colette are Teri @ Girl Meets Paris and Kori @ Blonde Episodes. Isn't that fantastic?!

So ladies... and gents (if you're out there), if you've ever had the idea you'd like to write your own book, NOW is the time! My advice, type like hell... don't stop, don't edit. Just create, and see where you end up!

Sign up HERE!
P.s. If you finish... I wanna hear about, and feature you!
P.s.s. There is a Write-a-thon held for participants on Nov. 21st,
overlooking the city lights of San Francisco!

Keyboards up!
Beginning this Monday, Nov 1st!

Follow Simply Colette

It's Monday

PB Love

I am in adoration with this cheery seasonal duvet cover at Pottery Barn. I admit I spend way too much time flipping and re-flipping through their catalogs...

What is your favorite magazine or catalog
that you can waste away the day reading?
Or blog for that matter?

Follow Simply Colette

Natural Beauty

Recommendation: Bridgett, TREND Staff Writer
This week, muse over prodigious model Alek Wek and her phenomenal persona that exudes sheer glamor. She has the innate capacity to truly make herself a strong presence in a photo.Alek is an engaging, talented model and the photos above are clear evidence to that.

No Tricks

WHEN: TODAY 10am-2pm
TREND will be holding a bake sale on Library Walk today! We will be selling a cornucopia of goodies including delightfully delicious brownies like the ones shown below! Cross your fingers and hope it doesn't rain! Come support UCSD's freshest take on fashion!
Want to be a part of the TREND team and can't make it to our issue release party? Then come give us a hello today! It would be lovely to meet all interested applicants.

-Bridgétt, TREND Staff Writer

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Who am I?

Mama to my pets

Card Maker

Animal Lover

Oregon Duck Alum.
Magazine Grad.
Fantasy B&B owner.
Holiday Lover.

Who are YOU?

(This post is in participation with the Who Am I series by Erika at Tiptoe Butterfly.)

Follow Simply Colette