Kamis, 04 Februari 2010


This Sunday, I shifted into my new house. And the first phase of a journey began. Friends and family helped put things in place. I needed some new curtains, and a few cushions. I feel that cushions give warmth to a home. There is an episode of “coupling” where Steve talks about the uselessness of cushions. I disagree. I find them integral to a cozy space. As I place things around the house, it seems to respond, by looking pretty one moment and chic the other, and then moving on to being wild bohemian, or classic or contemporary. In short, just the placement and an odd piece here or there can make it look different.
It’s pretty much like us, as individuals. Small changes can bring about all the difference. I am changing. The changes are small. But I feel a whole lot different. After a really long time, it feels as if life is moving forward, things are happening, and I am not living the same day over and over again. A week ago, I made mood-boards for all the rooms. Will try and post those soon. That way, we all can keep track of my progress. You all are free to strike off an element from the mood board, and add your own. While I rework my life and home, I think I will find a stable ground, where I will love the style my house acquires, and the new individual I become.

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