Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

How We Met

Our Little Love Story

Two years ago, the day after Valentine's to be exact... I joined Match.com. After filtering about 100 emails, I narrowed down who I would actually meet. I met a couple fellows, and while everyone I met was nice, no one quite fulfilled everything I was looking for. I was content being the independent woman, and didn't want to commit unless it felt right. So after a couple weeks, I was sent a Match email with a list of a few men who were a good match for me. I clicked on this photo...

My initial thought was he was too good-looking for me, but I was just perusing and his profile captured my attention. He had read The Celestine Prophecy, which was one of my favorite books. And his profile was Cat5, which he went into how he was a huge weather enthusiast and was fascinated by hurricanes. I sent him an email instantaneously asking if he had read The Tenth Insight, (the follow-up to The Celestine Prophecy), and inquired a little about his passion of hurricanes. I too had been intent on following a couple storms in the media and was intrigued this unique guy.

The next few weeks we began talking on the phone everynight, and I felt like I was in high school all over again, like a little school girl chatting on the phone. After a couple weeks we began to get very nervous about meeting because we had already felt like we had sort of fallen for each other just by phone. And what if we weren't attracted to each other... or whatever dating nightmare my occur. But when we met at The Stained Glass Pub on March 20th, we were both shy and giggly, but utterly and completely smitten. I feared my fried clams and french fries would scare him off, because he ordered a "chicken breast and ceasar salad, hold the cheese and croutons, dressing on the side please." But I had to show him the real me--a Food Network addict.

Almost two years later, we have gone through way more than any couple should just in the first year alone. Even though we have had some tough times, I have never had anybody treat me better with the means he has. He still texts me like when we first met. He still tells me I'm beautiful everyday, even when I have no makeup, my hair is in a bun, and a I have on old ratty pajamas. He still looks at me with big adoring eyes. And he still has the biggest heart in anyone I've ever met.

So, Jason... thank you for being my Valentine. Thank you for showering me with your love.

I Love You My Valentine.

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