Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

THE SOCIAL STUDIO - CHARITY in the name of fashion.

Fashionable CHARITY, is the new concept sweeping within the fashion industry, and deliberately tugging on our 'heart felt' emotions.... lend a helping hand please.xo.

The Social Studio is a very small concept which has grown into a huge success!, all in the name of 'helping' the talents of creatives.

The Social Studio is .. ( quoted from their description) a "Dynamic space where clothing is created from the style and skills of the young REFUGEE community" donated from industrial textile industries, garments are reconfigured into original clothing.
I'm not so much really interested in the 're- configuration' of the garments, but more so am all for the fact that it is supporting a cause!, helping the refugee to hone in on their talented skills and give the fashion industry more! xoxo.

The Social Studio is a such a fashionable charitable concept... I LOVE IT xxx. The whole of Australia also appears to embrace it whole heartedly... having attracted a huge media frenzy and partnership opportunities with established fashionites.

I declare.... dig deep.. pull out your discards, and not wants... and donate whole heartedly in the name of helping a fellow fashion creative...@ http://www.thesocialstudio.org/

Style rating: Standing Ovation! Being charitable is more fashionable than a fashionista's Blahniks or Choo's!!!xoxo.

Love me or hate me

Madam Alexandra E. (k)
The Social Studio Workroom

A re-configured garment

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